Skript allows you to easily create custom commands in your scripts, like the following:
# A simple "broadcast" command for broadcasting the text argument.
# This is accessible only to users with the "skript.example.broadcast" permission.
command /broadcast <text>:
permission: skript.example.broadcast
description: Broadcasts a message to everyone including console.
broadcast arg-text
That’s a simple example, but you can do much more complex things with custom commands! That “/broadcast” command only shows a few of the options you have available when creating a custom command.
Here’s the full list of features that you can use in your commands. They’re all optional, except for the trigger section. We’ll explain each one individually below.
command /<command name> <arguments>:
prefix: # command prefix, defaults to "skript"
aliases: # alternate command names
executable by: # players or console
usage: # the message that explains how to use the command
description: # the command's description
permission: # the permission needed to use the command
permission message: # the message sent to users without the correct permissions
cooldown: # a timespan, during which the command can't be used again
cooldown message: # the message sent when the command is used again too fast
cooldown bypass: # the permission necessary to bypass the cooldown
cooldown storage: # what variable to store the cooldown in
# The code to run goes here.
The command name is what comes immediately after command
. It can consist of any characters you want, except for space. Additionally, the / in front of the command is optional. This means command /broadcast
and command broadcast
are the same. Here are a few examples:
command /test-command:
broadcast "Command: /test-command"
command nickname:
broadcast "Command: /nickname"
command //set!:
broadcast "Command: //set!"
Arguments follow the command name, and are separated by spaces.
You can make arguments optional by surrounding them with square brackets []
, like this: command /kill [all entities]
However, the real power in arguments comes from type arguments. These allow a command to take in a type, like command /kill <player>
. Type arguments must be surrounded by angle brackets <>
and can also be made optional by surrounding them with square brackets: [<player>]
The argument can then be referenced in the trigger section by arg-1
or argument 1
or a number of other ways. You can also name type variables like so: <name:type>
, which can then be referenced as a local variable: {_name}
. Here’s the full pattern for arguments:
<name:type=%default value%>
Arguments can be used in a lot of different ways, so I’ll provide some examples ranging from the simplest possible to more complex uses.
# this command can be run by "/test" or by "/test command".
command /test [command]:
broadcast "Command: /test or /test command"
# sends the name of the given player. "of" is optional.
command /name [of] <player>:
# here 'to player' refers to the player executing the command
send "Player's name: %arg-1%, %argument 1%, or %player-argument%" to player
# heals the player in the argument. If no player is given, it will heal the sender.
command /heal [<player=%player%>]:
heal argument 1
# this can be used like /kill zombies, /kill creepers and animals in radius 100,
# or /kill monsters in the radius 6.
# the radius will default to 20 if isn't entered.
command /kill <entity types> [in [the] radius <number = 20>]:
executable by: players # this will be explained later on
loop entities in radius arg-2 of player:
if loop-entity is arg-1:
kill loop-entity
# broadcasts the text given in the command. If no text is given,
# it will broadcast the default value of "default text".
# note that the text is referenced as {_text input}, rather than arg-1 or similar.
command /broadcast [<text input:text="default text">]:
broadcast {_text input}
# Using optional commands for flags
# eg:
# /give-item stone sword with name Sword in the Stone and with lore Haha, get it?
# or
# /give-item heart of the sea with lore &bA murky blue orb.
command /give-item <item> [with name <text>] [[and] with lore <text>]:
set {_item} to arg-1
# set name
if arg-2 is set:
set name of {_item} to formatted arg-2
# set lore
if arg-3 is set:
set lore of {_item} to formatted arg-3
# give item
give player {_item}
A prefix is something all commands have, and it goes before the command when Minecraft registers them. You do not have to type this out when executing commands, but you can. The prefix, by default, is skript
, which means if you leave this blank your command (with its prefix) will look like /skript:commandName
# This command can be run by "/test" or "/testing_prefix:test"
command /test:
prefix: testing_prefix
broadcast "test"
# This command can be run by "/test" or "/skript:test"
command /test:
broadcast "test"
{% hint style=“danger” %} If two commands have the same name but different prefixes, only one will be registered. {% endhint %}
Aliases are alternate names for your command. For example, the command /teleport
could have an alias /tp
. Like in the command name, the forward slash (/
) is optional.
# this command can be run by "/teleport" or by "/tp".
command /teleport <number> <number> <number>:
executable by: players
aliases: tp
teleport player to location(arg-1, arg-2, arg-3)
{% hint style=“danger” %}
Aliases will not overwrite commands registered by other plugins. Say another plugin registers /spawn
, and you have the following command:
command /tp-to-spawn:
aliases: spawn, sp
teleport player to spawn of world
If you run /spawn
, that other plugin’s command will run. You’ll need to register a new command with that name and have it run your first command.
{% endhint %}
Who can execute this command. The options are players
, console
, or players and console
command /shutdown:
executable by: console
shutdown the server
The description of the command. Other plugins can get/show this with /help
, like /help teleport
The permission required to execute this command. The message sent to players without the proper permission can be customized with the permission message:
command /shutdown:
permission: server.admin
permission message: Only admins can shut down the server!
shutdown the server
This field takes a timespan that the player must wait out before executing the command again. The cooldown can be canceled with cancel the cooldown
(documentation here). Like with the permissions, you can change the default cooldown message with the cooldown message:
field. The remaining time of the cooldown can be displayed with %remaining time%
Additionally, you can store the cooldown in a variable with cooldown storage:
, in order to store the cooldown even when the server restarts.
command /vote:
executable by: players
cooldown: 1 day
cooldown message: You can only vote once a day!
cooldown storage: {vote::cooldown::%uuid of player%}
add 1 to {vote::players::%uuid of player%}
There are also a number of expressions you can use to interact with the cooldowns of commands. You can get the remaining time with remaining time
, the elapsed time with elapsed time
, and the total time with cooldown time
. You can also get the bypass permission with bypass permission
If you’ve enabled keep command last usage dates
in your
file, you can get the last time the player used the command with last usage date
{% hint style=“info” %} You can see the full syntax for these expressions here. {% endhint %}
# The same vote command but with an improved cooldown message.
# Sorry about the really long line, can't do much about how it's displayed.
command /vote:
executable by: players
cooldown: 1 day
cooldown message: You can only vote once a day! You last voted at %last usage%, and it's only been %elapsed time%. Please wait another %remaining time%.
cooldown storage: {vote::cooldown::%uuid of player%}
cooldown bypass: vote.cooldown.bypass
add 1 to {vote::players::%uuid of player%}
This section is where all the code the command should run is located. I’m sure you’re familiar with how it works from the previous examples, but in case you’re still unsure, some more examples of commands will be displayed here. You can see these example commands and more in the /plugins/Skript/scripts/-examples/
file in your server.
command /item <items>:
description: Give yourself some items.
usage: /item
aliases: /i
executable by: players # test
permission: skript.example.item
cooldown: 30 seconds
cooldown message: You need to wait %remaining time% to use this command again.
cooldown bypass: skript.example.cooldown.bypass
if player has permission "skript.example.item.all":
give arguments to player
loop arguments:
if (TNT, bedrock, obsidian, mob spawner, lava, lava bucket) does not contain loop-item:
give loop-item to player
send "%loop-item% is blacklisted and cannot be spawned." to player
command /home <text> [<text>]:
description: Set, delete or teleport to your home.
usage: /home set/remove <name>, /home <name>
permission: skript.example.home
executable by: players
if arg-1 is "set":
if arg-2 is set:
set {homes::%uuid of player%::%arg-2%} to player's location
send "Set your home <green>%arg-2%<reset> to <grey>%location of player%<reset>" to player
send "You must specify a name for this home." to player
else if arg-1 is "remove":
if arg-2 is set:
delete {homes::%uuid of player%::%arg-2%}
send "Deleted your home <green>%arg-2%<reset>" to player
send "You must specify the name of this home." to player
else if arg-2 is set:
send "Correct usage: /home set/remove <name>" to player
else if {homes::%uuid of player%::%arg-1%} is set:
teleport player to {homes::%uuid of player%::%arg-1%}
send "You have no home named <green>%arg-1%<reset>." to player