Getting Started Text Commands Conditionals Functions Loops


Skript allows you to write pieces of text (aka strings). This is done by putting the text inside double quotes, for example: "this is text".

If an effect, expression, condition, trigger or function accepts something of type text or string, you can use this format to create a new string.


Minecraft has 16 pre-set color codes to be used in text.

  • Color name tags, for example red
  • Minecraft color codes, like §c (or &c)

Here’s a table of all colors, including both Skript names and color codes.

Color Code Name Alternative Names
§0 black
§1 blue dark blue
§2 green dark green
§3 cyan aqua, dark cyan, dark aqua, dark turquoise, dark turquois
§4 red dark red
§5 purple dark purple
§6 orange orange, gold, dark yellow
§7 grey light grey, gray, light gray, silver
§8 dark gray dark grey
§9 light blue light blue, indigo
§a light green lime, lime green
§b light cyan light aqua, turquoise, turquois, light blue
§c light red pink
§d magenta light purple
§e yellow light yellow
§f white

In Minecraft 1.16, support was added for 6-digit hexadecimal colors. A tag can be used to format with these colors, which looks like this:


Here’s what the tag would look like when used in a script:

send "<#123456>Hey %player%!" to player

For information not related to Skript, see Minecraft Wiki page concerning colors.

Depending on the Skript configuration, color codes may do more than just change color of text after them. By default, for backwards compatibility, they clear following styles: magic, bold, strikethrough, underlined, italic. Other styles are not affected, and this feature can be toggled of in


Minecraft also has various other styles available. The following are available everywhere, including item and entity names:

Code Name Alternative Names Description
§k magic obfuscated Makes the provided text unreadable.
§l bold b Makes the provided text bold.
§m strikethrough strike, s Makes the provided text appear with a line through the middle.
§n underlined underline, u Makes the provided text underlined.
§o italic italics, i Makes the provided text italic.
§r reset r Resets all active formatting options. Usually used to indicate the end of a format.

Chat-only formatting

Skript also supports certain newer features, which are only available in chat. Those do not have formatting codes, so you must use tags for them.

Name Alternative Names Description
link open url, url Opens a link when player clicks on text
run command command, cmd Makes player execute a chat command when they click on text
suggest command sgt Adds a command to chat prompt of player when clicked
tooltip show text, ttp Shows a tooltip when player hovers over text with their mouse
font f Change the font of the text (1.16+)
insertion insert, ins Will append a text at player's current cursor in chat input only while holding SHIFT.

These chat-only formats use the following tag format:


For example:

<run command:/gamemode creative>

For a link, parameter must be either http or https url if you want clients to recognize it. For others, it can be any text, including invalid commands.


Skript supports Unicode characters in any text. To add them to your scripts, paste the character inside the text, or use the provided Unicode tag.

The tag uses the character’s codepoint to replace it with the actual character when the text is loaded.

"🐛 hello <u:1F41B>" # 🐛 hello 🐛
"<unicode:03B5> <unicode:2245> <unicode:0194>, right?" # ε ≅ Ɣ, right?